Reasons to Consider a Tummy Tuck

Woman lying down showing toned tummy

No matter how much work you put into your fitness, there are still quite a few variables that control how quickly you lose weight and where the fat and skin remains. This is why so many people continue to struggle with unsightly layers of fat and skin throughout their midsection that often feel impossible to shed.

A tummy tuck is a quick, safe and effective procedure that will help you to trim your torso and rebuild your confidence.

Why a Tummy Tuck?

Many people wonder why it seems as if loose skin and fat around the midsection never go away. The reason for this is because your body wants to store energy and food where it can be easily accessed. Extra fat cells around the midsection provide a good dose of energy if you are ever critically malnourished.

These are just a few of the reasons why so many people quickly gain extra inches around their stomach, but that same fat feels impossible to finally get rid of. Other factors that come into play include your diet, exercise and genetics.

Even after you have gotten rid of the extra fat around your midsection, the loose, hanging skin can still remain. For these people, there is typically no amount of dieting or exercise that will help them to finally achieve a firm and attractive abdomen.

A Quick Look at Tummy Tucks

A tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures in the world, with hundreds of thousands of surgeries taking place every year. Our tummy tucks are carried out under general anesthesia. The primary goal of a traditional tummy tuck is to remove the loose skin from the patient’s midsection, reposition the remaining soft tissue, adjust the abdominal muscles and pull the skin tight.

After you have been made comfortable through anesthesia, our surgeon will then use a series of tools to begin removing excess skin and adjusting the remaining tissue. When the surgeon is satisfied with the appearance of your midsection, you will be given time to rest.

Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

The primary benefit of a tummy tuck is the ability to sculpt an eye-catching midsection without suffering through years of a caloric deficit. While it is suggested that all patients lose most of their weight before their tummy tuck is carried out, this procedure could be your final push toward your cosmetic goals.

Learn More About the Tummy Tuck Procedure

To get all the facts about a tummy tuck, including if it is the right procedure for addressing your excess abdominal skin, make an appointment at the office of Dr. Beth Collins, MD in Guilford. Our team of professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

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